Between a rock and a hard place
by Lilia Bostock

1. Language
1.1. Direct speech
1.1.1. "Get your hand out of there" Shows that he is talking to himself throughout his ordeal. This gives the reader an insight into Ralston's state of mind and also emphasises his panic and isolation
1.1.2. "Come on move"
1.2. Metaphor
1.2.1. "Between a rock and a hard place" The title of the text is a common metaphorical phrase that is used when you have a difficult decision to make. Ralston uses it ironically- literally
2. Structure
2.1. The extract is structured in such a way that the tension and drama builds as you read. The opening four paragraphs are very matter of fact and gve us the impression that it is an ordinary day/ climb for Ralston. However after the rock "teeter" in paragraph 5 the language becomes powerful and emotive
3. Summary
3.1. The extract takes the reader straight into the ation of the canyon hike; the first four paragraphs explain, in a matter of fact manner, the techniques he emplys in maneouvering through narrow passages with reference to the author's current location, with a moment of tension as a chockstone "teeters" slightly under his weight
3.2. In paragraph 5, as the boulder falls, the drama builds rapidly and the final 3 paragraphs describe the horror of the accident
4. Text type, audience and purpose
4.1. Genre
4.1.1. Autobiography
4.2. Audience
4.2.1. Adults/ young adults, climbers, mountaineers
4.3. Purpose
4.3.1. To entertain/ inform
5. Emotive language
5.1. "The boulder then crushes my right hand and ensnares my right arm"
5.2. "My flaring agony threw me into a panic"
5.2.1. Emphasises the horror and pain of his situation. It creates a gruesome image of his injuries and adds fther to the rising tension and drama