1. Language
1.1. Alliteration
1.1.1. "Mountains rise to meet the moon" Emphasises the beauty of the setting. It also creates an mage in the readers mind of the collosal size of the mountains as they "meet the moon"
1.2. Imagery
1.2.1. "The entire earth below us was a convulsion of crests, gorges and wind-sharpened pinnacles" creates a dream- like atmosphere through her vivid use of imagery to describe the landscape
2. Structure
2.1. 1st and 3rd person narrative
2.1.1. Uses it to construct her memoir
2.1.2. Her personal experiences are told in the first person to reflect her own experiences. However, factual information about Bhutan, the Bhutanses people and their culture is written in third person
2.2. Chronological paragraphs
2.2.1. "In my first night"
2.2.2. "The next morning..." Guides the reader through Zeppa's experience in Bhutan from start to finish
3. Summary
3.1. This personal travel narrative begins with a description of the country's landscape and switches between the past tense, as the journey from Canada is recalled, and the present tense as Zeppa takes the reader into the immediacy of her first night and day in Thimpus
3.2. There are pithy charcater sketches of two fellow Cnadian teachers, a detailes description of the city and a discussion of the qualities f the Bhutanese people..
4. Text type, audience and purpose
4.1. Genre
4.1.1. Autobiography/memoir
4.2. Audience
4.2.1. Adults/ travel enthusiasts
4.3. Purpose
4.3.1. to retell her experiences in Bhutan
5. Tone
5.1. Nervous/ Anxious
5.1.1. "They are both ecstatic about so far, and I stay close to them, hoping to pick up some of their enthusiasm" She describes the moment she meets some of the other volunteers for breakfast. Both the other girls are experiences travellers and the reader get the impression that Zeppa is feeling very uneasy in her new environment