1. caused by damage or deterioration of the nerves cells connected in the brain-due to the different types of dementai there can be different causes of each-the most common type of dementia is caused by a build up of proteins within the brain
1.1. Most risk factors leading to dementia are unable to be prevented, but some are manageable
1.1.1. The signs and symptoms of dementia vary based on the stage of the disease and how far it has progressed Dementia can affect many other body systems. Systems affected can be influenced by the specifc type of dementia diagnosed. Patients with dementa may experience loss of motor skills such as the inability to walk or stand up. They may experience muscle spasms and tremors Sleep patterns are often interrupted and patients experience sundowning that leads to increased confusion, agitation, and restlessness at night Due to the decreaed mobility dementia patients are at risk for bed sores and infection. Infection can occur in forms of a UTI or in a wound due to the decreased immune system Dementia patients need to be closely followed by a primary care doctor as well as a neurologist Dementia can be heard to diagnose due to the lack of diagnostic testing Medical history from close friends and family is important It is important to rule out any medication interactions that may cause the mimicing of dementia Perform cognitive and neuropsychological testing such as Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), clock drawing test, neuropsychological testing to test memory, problem-solving, and language Imaging should be completed to assess the brain health such as CT scan, MRI, or PET scan Labs drawn should include a liver panel, kidney function, electrolytes, and thyroid function test
1.1.2. Memory loss-typically noticed by other people such as close friends and family
1.1.3. Poor coordination
1.1.4. Difficulty driving
1.1.5. Anxiety
1.1.6. Paranoria
1.1.7. Hallucinations
1.1.8. Confusion with visual images and spatial
1.1.9. Trouble speaking or writing