The Development of Canada (1868-1885) Timeline Project

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The Development of Canada (1868-1885) Timeline Project por Mind Map: The Development of Canada  (1868-1885) Timeline Project

1. 1868-December 1, 1869

1.1. 1. Arrival of land surveyors at Red River - 1868

1.1.1. - Caused much tension because they acted on assumptions.

1.1.2. - Their actions indirectly caused the Red River Rebellion, because they angered the Metis greatly, who thought the government was trying to steal their land.

1.2. 2. Louis Riel - Summer 1869

1.2.1. - Born in 1844

1.2.2. - Son of Louis Riel sr.

1.2.3. - Literate and well educated lawyer.

1.3. 3.Purchase of Rupert's Land - November 19, 1869

1.3.1. - The Metis were angry because they thought that no one had the right to sell their land.

1.3.2. - Canada wanted the Metis to move out.

1.3.3. - this also made the Metis angry.

1.4. 4. Provisional government - Winter 1869

1.4.1. - Emergency or interim government setup

1.5. 5. Metis List of Rights - December 1, 1869

1.5.1. - Important Canadian document.

1.5.2. - Agreed upon by the Red River Settlement.

1.5.3. - These resolutions were adopted at a meeting held in Fort Gary.

2. 1876 - Summer, 1884

2.1. 16. John A. Macdonald and the National Policy - 1876

2.1.1. - The National Policy was an electoral scheme, and a plan for patching up the main issues of Canada.

2.1.2. - It was imposed to persuade voters to bring Macdonald back to power.

2.1.3. - It imposed protective tariffs to ensure a strong Canadian Market

2.1.4. - It amplified the west's agricultural potential

2.1.5. - It unified Canada and the economy by ensuring that the CPR would be built (finally).

2.2. 17. Indian Act - 1876

2.2.1. - It confirmed that the Native Peoples were required to live on reserves.

2.2.2. - It was good for the Native Peoples and the Government.

2.3. 18. Construction of CPR - 1881-1885

2.3.1. - Did not go well at first.

2.3.2. - Was saved when William Van Horne was brought in to the picture.

2.3.3. - Laborers had a bad diet and poor working conditions.

2.3.4. - CPR was done 5 years early.

2.4. 19. William Van Horne - 1881

2.4.1. - The general manager for the Canadian pacific railway

2.4.2. - Was responsible for launching the sea transport system for the Canadian pacific railway

2.5. 20. Return of Riel - summer, 1884

2.5.1. - He was 24 when he returned to the red river settlement.

2.5.2. - The Canadian government automatically suspected a rebellion when he made his return.

3. Winter 1884 - November 16, 1885

3.1. 21. Metis Bill of Rights - Winter 1884

3.1.1. - A whole bunch of laws passed for the metis

3.1.2. - Gave the Metis more rights

3.2. 22. Battles of Duck Lake and Batoche - March 19, 1885

3.2.1. - Happened because "peaceful negotiations were not possible"

3.2.2. - Resulted in the capture of Louis Riel.

3.2.3. - Lasted for 4 days

3.3. 23. Trial of Louis Riel - July 1885

3.3.1. - Led the north west rebellion

3.3.2. - He was under trial for high treason

3.4. 25. Execution of Louis Riel - November 16, 1885

3.4.1. - Was charged with high treason.

3.4.2. - He was hung.

3.4.3. - He was given a fair trial but was found guilty, even with a valid defense.

4. March 4, 1870 - August 21, 1871

4.1. 6. Execution of Thomas Scott - March 4, 1870

4.1.1. -Caused much unrest between the French and English.

4.1.2. - Caused a delay in the creation of Manitoba.

4.1.3. - Caused much violence between the Metis and the Orange Order

4.2. 7. Creation of Manitoba - May 2, 1870

4.2.1. - Was achieved through compromise.

4.2.2. - Because of the execution of Thomas Scott, the government was forced to send a force of 1200 people to "fix" Maniotoba

4.3. 8. Riel flees to the U.S. - Late August, 1870

4.3.1. - He fled to the U.S. because alot of people wanted to avenge the death of Thomas Scott

4.3.2. - Was told to stay there until things cooled down

4.4. 9. Metis flee west - 1870's

4.4.1. - Many Metis were brutalized by Macdonalds men

4.4.2. - They couldn't get used to the land scripts.

4.4.3. - Many Metis were forced to hand over their land scripts to land speculators.

4.5. 10. Naitive Treaties 1 & 2 - August 3-August 21 1871

4.5.1. -Signed away the treaty for there homeland

4.5.2. -Took native's land for crop land

4.5.3. -The government rushed through the treaties so that they could send out land surveyors followed by European settlers

5. 1873 - Winter 1874-75

5.1. 11. Creation of NWMP - 1873

5.1.1. - It was both a police force and a paramilitary organization.

5.1.2. - It's first task was to "police" the whiskey traders

5.1.3. - The NWMP were seen as an improvement by the native peoples

5.2. 12. Pacific Scandal - 1872

5.2.1. - Macdonald bribed people for votes so he could get more seats.

5.2.2. - People found out that Macdonald bribed them and were really mad.

5.3. 13. Election of Alexander Mackenzie - 1873

5.3.1. - Happened because of the Pacific Scandal

5.3.2. - He didn't continue the CPR, which angered a lot of people

5.3.3. - The Canadian Pacific Railway land survey was allowed to continue, a lot of violent arguments broke out over where the Railway would go

5.4. 14. Native Treaties 3-7 - 1874-Sept 22, 1877

5.4.1. -Signed away the treaty for there homeland

5.4.2. -Took natives land for crop land

5.4.3. -The natives, having already lost access to their food source were forced into farming or death

5.5. 15. Gabriel Dumont and the Hunt of 1875 - Winter 1847-1875

5.5.1. - Resulted in the revolution against Canada.

5.5.2. - During which several Metis delinquents disobeyed the law.