Personal Learning Environment for Shiyue

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Personal Learning Environment for Shiyue by Mind Map: Personal Learning Environment for Shiyue

1. Curriculum

1.1. Current courses

1.1.1. INF2179 Machine Learning

1.1.2. INF3900 Professional

1.1.3. INF2178 Experimental

1.1.4. INF1003 Information System

1.2. Previous courses

1.2.1. INF1602 User Experience(-)

1.2.2. INF2170 IA(-)

1.2.3. INF2190 Data Analytics(-)

1.2.4. INF2314 Program Evaluation(-)

2. Internet Resources

2.1. Online Classes

2.1.1. Udemy

2.1.2. Bilibili

2.1.3. Coursera

2.1.4. Youtube

2.2. Job-seeking Platforms

2.2.1. LinkedIn

2.2.2. Glassdoor

2.2.3. Indeed

2.2.4. JobsDB

2.2.5. Simplicity

2.3. Data Science

2.3.1. GitHub

2.3.2. Kaggle

2.4. Social Media Platforms

2.4.1. Instagram

2.4.2. WeChat

2.4.3. Snapchat

2.4.4. Discord

2.4.5. Whatsapp

3. Personal Network

3.1. MI Peers

3.1.1. Olivia Chen

3.1.2. Carrie Li

3.1.3. Xinyi Guo

3.1.4. Kishy Zhang

3.1.5. Lucy Chou

3.1.6. Christine Chou

3.2. Instructors

3.2.1. Professor Silk

3.2.2. Dr. Pandeliev

3.2.3. Dr. Khovanskaya

3.2.4. Dr. Ataei

3.2.5. Professor Shion Guha

3.3. Advisors

3.3.1. Ms. Judy

3.3.2. Ms. Aziza (+)

3.4. Organizations

3.4.1. Toronto Data Science Meetup

3.4.2. Data Science Group on LinkedIn

4. Journals

4.1. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics

4.2. Harvard Data Science Review

5. Books

5.1. Technical

5.1.1. Lawson, John. Design and Analysis of Experiments with R. CRC press, 2014

5.1.2. Bruce, Peter, Andrew Bruce, and Peter Gedeck. Practical statistics for data scientists: 50+ essential concepts using R and Python. O'Reilly Media, 2020(+)

5.1.3. Facure, Matheus. Causal Inference in Python. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2023.5

5.2. Communication

5.2.1. Stone, Douglas, et al. Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most. Penguin Books, 2010.

5.2.2. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. PuddleDancer Press, 2015.(+)