Krishna Agro & Foods Company

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Krishna Agro & Foods Company by Mind Map: Krishna Agro & Foods Company

1. Traditional Advertising

1.1. Events

1.2. Bill Boards

1.3. Indian Festivals

1.4. Media Appearence

2. Sales & Distribution

2.1. Retail Channels

2.1.1. Grocery Store

2.1.2. Super Market

2.1.3. Own Franchise Store Cafe + Product Outlet

2.2. Online Channel

2.2.1. Amazon,Flipkart

2.2.2. Instamart/Zepto

2.2.3. Traffic to our website(D2C)

2.3. B2B(Manufacturer)

2.3.1. Hotels/Cafe/Restaurant/Ressort

2.3.2. Corporate Partenership

2.3.3. Export Target Countries Local Distributers

2.4. Frenchies

2.4.1. COCO

2.4.2. FOCO

3. Events

3.1. Stalls at business events

3.2. Food exhibition

3.3. Sponsor meals / events

4. Strategies

4.1. Price / Offer

4.1.1. Discount / Buy 1 get 1 free

4.1.2. Free trial for the product (Lucky winners)

4.1.3. Subscription Plan

4.2. Cities

4.2.1. CGI Campagins

4.2.2. Special Discount & Offers on Instamart & Zepto

5. Flow work

5.1. Branding

5.2. Packaging

5.3. Product Development and Pricing

5.4. Market Research and Target Audience

5.5. Marketing and Promotion

5.6. Distribution Strategy

5.7. Sales Strategy

6. Branding

6.1. Name & Logo

6.1.1. Suggestions

6.2. Tagline

6.3. Brand Guidline

6.4. Colour Palettes

6.5. Compitiors

7. Packages

7.1. Visual Identity

7.2. Colour of Packaging

7.3. Package desigining

7.4. USP

7.4.1. Eco Friendly

8. Product Segment

8.1. Dairy Products

8.2. Snacks

8.3. Soya Chaap

8.4. Chapati/Roti

8.5. Parathas

9. Target Audience

9.1. Primary Market

9.1.1. Urban, middle to upper-middle-class households.

9.1.2. Working/Corporate

9.2. Secondary market

9.2.1. foreign markets: USA, UK, UAE

9.2.2. Non-Indians who enjoy Indian cuisine.

10. Digital Media

10.1. E- Com website

10.2. Cloud Kitchen

10.3. SEO & SEM

10.4. Social Media

10.5. Influencer Marketing

11. Krishna Agro & Foods Company

11.1. B to C

11.1.1. Brand development

11.2. B to B

11.2.1. Already working as Seller Improve Online identity Social media / marketing Sales Sales and distribution