Speaking Workshop for Duolingo English Test Speaking Section

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Speaking Workshop for Duolingo English Test Speaking Section by Mind Map: Speaking Workshop for Duolingo English Test Speaking Section

1. Workshop Content

1.1. Introduction to the speaking section of the Duolingo English Test

1.1.1. Types of questions

1.1.2. Length

1.1.3. Rubric

1.2. Organizing your response

1.2.1. Introductory sentence

1.2.2. concluding sentence

1.2.3. transitions

1.3. Speak about an image

1.3.1. Best practices

1.3.2. practice

1.3.3. sample answer

1.4. Speak about a topic

1.4.1. best practices

1.4.2. practice

1.4.3. sample answer

1.5. Assessment

2. Method of Instruction

2.1. Multimedia Tools

2.2. Principles

2.3. Activities

2.4. Assessments