Culture and Nursing Practice

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Culture and Nursing Practice by Mind Map: Culture and Nursing Practice

1. Stakeholders

1.1. Nursing educators

1.2. Students

1.3. Patients

1.4. Healthcare Team (i.e. Physicians, PT, OT, Social Worker, Clinical Manager, etc.)

1.5. Nurse

2. Challenges/Central Issues

2.1. Understanding diversity within different races

2.2. Personal biases for myself, colleagues, and for fellow colleagues in the workplace

2.3. Cultural competence in nursing and among colleagues in the workplace

2.4. Professional growth

3. Immediate Response

3.1. Self-reflection on assumptions, values, and beliefs

3.2. Cultural Identity

4. Concepts

4.1. Ethical Care

4.2. Worldview

4.3. Self-awareness

4.4. Diversity in healthcare

5. Theories/Frameworks

5.1. CNO Code of Conduct Principle#2: Nurses provide inclusive and culturally safe care by practicing cultural humility

5.2. Leininger's Theory

5.2.1. Culture Care Diversity and Universality

5.2.2. Sunrise model

5.2.3. Culturally congruent care

6. Current understanding

6.1. Cultural identity, worldview, and self-awareness shape how nurses understand and provide patient care

6.2. Key stakeholders include the nursing student, patients, healthcare teams, and educators, all of whom influence cultural competency in practice.

6.3. Challenges such as personal biases, professional growth, and understanding diversity highlight the need for continuous learning and reflection in nursing.

7. Knowledge Gaps

7.1. Unconscious bias impact

7.2. Limited knowledge of other cultural practices

7.3. Applying known theories in real-life scenarios

7.4. Addressing cultural conflicts