A Framework for Design by John W. Creswell

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A Framework for Design by John W. Creswell by Mind Map: A Framework for Design by John W. Creswell

1. The Three Approaches to Research

1.1. Qualitiative Research: Explores meanings, experiences, social phenomena

1.1.1. Constructivist assumptions Strategies of inquiry: narratives, phénoménologies, ethnographies, grounded theory studies, or case studies. Data collection: interviews, Q&A, narratives, observations

1.1.2. Advocacy/Participatory positions Strategies of inquiry: a call to action or agenda for change. Encourages participants to become co-researchers. Data collection: focus on marginalized groups, individual narratives, historical patterns, policies and political practices

1.2. Quantitative Research: connects with postpositivism reductions, focuses on measurement and analysis

1.2.1. Postpositivist assumptions Strategies of inquiry: experiments and surveys Data collection: predetermined instruments or experiments, statistical analysis, controlled groups and variables

1.3. Mixed Methods Research: combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches

1.3.1. Pragmatic assumptions Strategies of inquiry: collecting data either simultaneously or sequentially Data collection: statistics and close-ended instruments/experiments AND interviews, narratives, observations

2. Research Questions: the central inquiries guiding research. Shapes the direction and focus of the study. Influences methodology.

3. Ethical Considerations: affects researcher responsibiltie, ensures dignity and respect for participants

4. Philosophical Assumptions and Definitions

4.1. Epistemology: how knowledge is acquired and validated

4.2. Ontology: the nature of reality and existence

4.3. Knowledge Claim Positions

4.3.1. PostPositivism Determination, Reduction, Empirical observation Measurement Theory verification

4.3.2. Constructivism Understanding Multiple participant meanings Social and historical construction Theory generation

4.3.3. Advocacy/Participatory Political Empowerment Issue-oriented Collaborative Change-oriented

4.3.4. Pragmatism Consequences of actions Problem-centered Pluralistic Real-world practice oriented