What stops innovation in your workplace?

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What stops innovation in your workplace? by Mind Map: What stops innovation in your workplace?

1. Training for management in order to avoid any constrain of innnovation. Align your company strategy and innovation goals

2. Develop a plan for budget assignation aligned to innovation company goals

3. Company resources

3.1. No rewards

3.2. Training

3.3. Headcount

3.4. Money

4. Leadership

4.1. Track of Ideas after showed

4.2. Forum to show ideas

4.3. Opportunities to show ideas

4.4. Fear of failure

4.5. No motivation

5. Management

5.1. Get approval

5.2. Talent movility

5.3. Cultural issues

5.4. No available time

5.5. Resistance to change

5.6. Activities with major priority

5.7. Politics

6. Leadership training to align company sites in the best way of the development of the leaders and the team members