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SEL connections by Mind Map: SEL connections

1. Self-Awareness

1.1. Making time for self-care, managing personal stressors so they don't impact my mood/behaviour.

1.2. Noticing when I need a break and taking time for my own self care.

1.3. Reflecting on teaching methods and making changes as neccesary.

2. Responsible Decision Making

2.1. Considering how my choices & the environment I create in my classroom will impact my students.

2.2. Challenging and supporting my students.

2.3. Seeking input from IST teacher, admin and other support staff regarding supports/plans for current and future students.

3. Self-Management

3.1. Planning ahead, starting and completing tasks early. Staying organized.

3.2. Making time for SBT meetings, meetings with parents, meetings with other staff.

3.3. Creating goals for the teaching year. Managing time for planning, personal life, coursework, family.

4. Social Awareness

4.1. Creating an inclusive classroom environment.

4.2. Creating cohesive classroom community where students are expected to treat themselves and others with respect and kindness.

4.3. Meeting my students where they are at and taking time to connect with them daily.

5. Relationship Skills

5.1. Being Present and actively listening to my students.

5.2. Showing empathy.

5.3. Positive reinforcement.

5.4. Creating a safe space for students to share and feel understood.

5.5. Developing healthy positive relationships with students.

5.6. Have positive interactions with students parents, developing a trusting relationship and open communication.