Membrane Transport - Fill in the Blank

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Membrane Transport - Fill in the Blank by Mind Map: Membrane Transport - Fill in the Blank

1. Endocytosis

1.1. Answer 2

1.1.1. Uptake of soluable molecules (water)

1.2. Phagocytosis

1.2.1. Uptake of particulate matter

2. Active Transport

2.1. Primary Active

2.1.1. Uses ATP directly (ions and large molecules)

2.2. Secondary Active

2.2.1. Answer 3. Cotransport Answer 1 Counter transport Solute moves opposite directions

3. Answer 5.

3.1. Pinocytosis

3.1.1. Uptake of soluable molecules (water)

3.2. Phagocytosis

3.2.1. Answer 4

4. Simple Diffusion

4.1. Answer 7.

5. Answer 6.

5.1. Osmolarity

5.1.1. Answer 8.

5.2. Answer 9.

5.2.1. A solution concentration of osmotically active particles expressed as osmoles (or milliosmoles) per kg of water

5.3. Osmatic pressure

5.3.1. Answer 10.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

11. 5.

12. 4.

13. 3. __ ____

14. 2. __ ________________

15. 1. __ ________________