Wordpress Website

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Wordpress Website by Mind Map: Wordpress Website

1. Blogging

2. 2.How to Install Worpress ?

2.1. Installing Wordpress & Setup Login Credencials

3. 1.Hosting & Domain

3.1. Where to Buy Hosting & Domain ?

3.1.1. Link Given in Description Below

3.1.2. 80% Hosting Offer Live

3.1.3. Fast & Secure Hosting Provider

3.1.4. 24x7 Support

4. 4.Wordpress SEO

4.1. Google Settings

4.1.1. Google Search Console

4.1.2. Google Analytics

4.1.3. Google Tag Manager

4.2. SEO Plugin Setup

4.2.1. Yoast SEO

4.2.2. Rankmath SEO

5. 3.Choosing Theme & Customization

5.1. Installing Wordpress theme & Essential Plugins