SWOT Analysis

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SWOT Analysis by Mind Map: SWOT Analysis

1. SWOT / TOWS Matrix

1.1. S-O strategies

1.1.1. pursue opportunities that are a good fit to the company's strengths

1.2. W-O strategies

1.2.1. overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities

1.3. S-T strategies

1.3.1. identify ways that the firm can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability to external threats

1.4. W-T strategies

1.4.1. establish a defensive plan to prevent the firm's weaknesses from making it highly susceptible to external threats

2. Analysis FrameWorks

2.1. Environmental Scan

2.1.1. Internal Analysis Strengths Weaknesses

2.1.2. External Analysis Opportunities Threats

3. Weakness

3.1. ex

3.1.1. lack of patent protection

3.1.2. poor reputation among customers

3.1.3. high cost structure

4. Strength

4.1. ex

4.1.1. patents

4.1.2. strong brand names

4.1.3. good reputation among customers

4.1.4. cost advantages from proprietary know-how

5. Opportunities

5.1. ex

5.1.1. an unfulfilled customer need

5.1.2. arrival of new technologies

5.1.3. loosening of regulations

5.1.4. removal of international trade barriers

6. Threats

6.1. examples

6.1.1. shifts in consumer tastes away from the firm's products

6.1.2. emergence of substitute products

6.1.3. new regulations

6.1.4. increased trade barriers