2.0 Concepts

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2.0 Concepts by Mind Map: 2.0 Concepts

1. Leap-Motion

2. Design

2.1. Wireframing

2.2. Product Design ?

2.3. Responsive Design

2.4. Interaction Design

3. Research

3.1. Gesture Technology

3.1.1. Kinect

3.2. Strategy

4. e-commerce platform

5. Development

5.1. API's and Data Integration

5.2. Responsive / Cross Platform

5.3. Augmented Reality

5.4. 4D Mapping

5.5. Social Networking

5.6. Multi-touch Apps

5.7. Social Media/Feed

5.8. Content Management Systems

5.9. Digital Content Creation

5.10. Animated Explainer Videos

5.11. Digital Signage (iSignage)

5.12. Digital Signage CMS

5.13. Mobile Games