1. Oxymoron= using two different opposite meaning of words to create sentences like a pun.
1.1. Where is she? Take me to her, that we may both die of joy.'- Cunegonde is not here," pg.79
1.1.1. The reason why this is oxymoron is because die itself and joy completely has different meaning. Which die of joy suggest great happiness in emotion.
2. Allusion = figure of speech that makes a reference to, or representation of, a place, event, literary work,
2.1. "After the Earthquake, which had destroyed three-quarters of LIsbon, the sages of that country could think of no more effective means of averting further destruction. " p. 15
2.1.1. This happened during the Voltaires time on November 1, 1755 that indeed killed thousands of people
2.2. " As you know the two countries are at war over a few acres of snow on the Canadian border, and the whole of Canada is worth." pg. 69
2.2.1. This also is accordingly to the history
3. Understatement = form of speech in which a lesser expression is used than what would be expected.
3.1. :Then Monsieur does not believe in free will? asked the agent" p. 35
3.1.1. This is the simplest yet the most dangerous question that was given to Pangloss although it was asked politely, it was asking very sensitive question about the religion.
4. Hyperbole= A sentence in which statements are exaggerated.
4.1. "Pangloss taughtmetaphysico-theologico-costmo-nigology" p. 4
4.1.1. The reason this is hyperbole is because it greatly exaggerated the topic that Pangloss taught to Candide.
5. Parody= work created to mock, comment on, or poke fun at an original work
5.1. "..I am in need of food.' - 'You don't deserve to eat,' said other. 'Be off you wretch! Out of my sight, you miserable creature! And don't ever approach my person again!) p.9
5.1.1. Something that makes this parody is that he is mocking hypocrisy of the orator who call himself follower of God but does not do what the word of the God says.
5.2. If this is the best of all possible worlds, what must the others be like? I wouldn't have minded the flogging; I was already flogged by the Bulars" p. 16
5.2.1. This is the Parody that mocks the general idea that Voltaire is trying to criticize. It is not "the best of all the possible worlds"
6. Irony= unintended connection that goes beyond the most evident meaning
6.1. "'Madam, you have seventy-two years of nobility, but not one penny. You now have the chance to become the wife of a man who's the greatest lord in South America and has a very handsome mustache." (Pg. 51)
6.1.1. This is ironic because Cunegonde who devoted her life to marry Candide is now choosing money over man.
6.2. "Who could have stolen my money and diamonds? ...I strongly suspect a reverend Franciscan who slept in the same inn with us last night in Badajoz."
6.2.1. This is a irony scene of how money can change a person. This also shows greed overcoming a holly person's wholesomeness.
6.3. "A passer-by who had never been baptized, a good Anabaptist named Jacques...." p.9
6.3.1. This is ironic because a person who is suppose to baptize people chose not to become baptize.