2010 GTM Plan for All Accts

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2010 GTM Plan for All Accts por Mind Map: 2010 GTM Plan for All Accts

1. Targeted CBIs

1.1. customer acquisition customer service

1.1.1. - business owner - IT owner - web & audio reseller

1.2. reduce travel improve productivity

1.2.1. - business owner - IT owner - web & audio reseller

2. Targeted CBIs Led by Visionaries

2.1. customer acquisition customer service

2.1.1. process: websites / phone / fax / email - business owner - IT owner

2.2. worker productivity extend legacy systems

2.2.1. process: mobile / external - business owner - IT owner

2.3. regulatory compliance

2.3.1. process -business owner -IT owner

3. SE: Jake Shapiro

3.1. Stage 1 - describe at least three value propositions by acct. - whitespace by account - notify current customers and prospects of continuing education seminars and websites Stages 3 - 5 - uses cases by account - proof points - information sharing Google Docs and Wave (each customer contact)

4. Partners: Dave Pilgrim

4.1. Stages 1 - 2 - suggest three value props/acct - SIs by account, schedule discovery meetings - suggested SIs, schedule discovery meetings - tactical partners, schedule discovery meetings - information sharing Google Docs and Wave (each customer contact)

5. Consulting: Mitchell Schwartzwald

5.1. Stages 1 - 2 - suggest three value props/acct Stages 3 - 7 - references by account - use cases by account - develop success plan including rollout, partners, PS participation

6. Field Marketing: Lisa Parillo

6.1. - Jigsaw lists: CIO, Sales, CMO, CFO, Regulatory

6.2. - Connect user group - Carlson & Target enterprise web conferencing

6.3. - LiveCycle user group - UHG, Mayo, & Medtronic why we use LiveCycle

6.4. - Connect campaign - less money, easier access

6.5. - LiveCycle campaign targeted at rev gen processes that could be mobile

6.6. - BAO - focus on directors of sales, BU process owners, IT process owners

6.7. - prospecting - Leadbridge reports for HealthPartners, Securian, Medica

6.8. - further relationships - MN Wild game, Xcel Energy Skating, Twins

7. NAM: Thad Steele

7.1. Stage 1 Pre-call - acct. overview by BU, customer process, internal process - determine revenue channels (B2C, B2B, web, in person, phone) - determine how CEO is paid - define CBIs and challenges from 10Q, 10K, analyst calls, news - qualifying questions (team effort) - solution value (team effort) Stage 2 Prospect - call blitz list of leaders by CBI - lead champion to help further customer deployments - initiate targeted marketing campaigns by CBI - SIs - entice and discover - Connect partners (when is contract up, can we do a pilot) Stage 3 Opportunity Qualification - qualifying questions (team effort) - sketch ROI analysis

7.2. Stage 4 Circle of Influence - CBC visits - executive sponsors - qualifying questions (team effort) - engagement plan template - executive sponsor letter Stage 5 Solution Definition and Validation - in-depth account discover - solution design - ROI analysis - executive sponsor Stages 6 & 7 Customer Commit / Execute to Close - contracts (Heather Sumner, Peter Runyan) - PAR (Heather Sumner) - information sharing Google Docs and Wave (each customer contact)