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rivers af Mind Map: rivers

1. waterfalls

1.1. gorge

1.1.1. after a long period of tim4e the water erosion the wall of the cliff.

2. weathering

2.1. there are three kinds of weathering:pysical weathering' chemical weathering and biological weathering.

2.2. one weathering is couced by plants attacking houses

3. erosion

3.1. there are three kinds of ersion they are called costel, depsion and transportaion

3.2. water is the most inpornat ersional

4. ox bow lake

4.1. the bend of the river gets bendyer by the ersion of the water then after a long time the two bends join to gether. the river flows straight through. the bit what is left is left there to dry out.

4.2. a ox bow lake happens over a long pirod of time.

5. the names of parts of the river

5.1. soucre: the source is the sart of the river

5.2. tributary: a tridutary is a small stream that flows into a big stream (river)

5.3. confiuence: a confluence is when two rivers meet

5.4. meander: a meander is a bend in the river

5.5. mouth: the mouth is thr end of the river

6. what changes when you go further down river

6.1. the river gets wider

6.2. the stones get smaller

6.3. the river gets deeper

6.4. the river is less steeper

6.5. it gets more faster