learning technologies

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learning technologies by Mind Map: learning technologies

1. learning software

1.1. education software

1.1.1. Mavis Beacon

1.1.2. ed apps

1.1.3. laboratory software simbio ChemLab

1.1.4. Rosetta Stone

1.2. productivity software

1.3. management software

2. distance learning

2.1. learning managements systems (LMS)

2.2. computer based training (CBT)

2.3. web resources

2.3.1. online learning games

2.3.2. digital libraries

2.3.3. cloud services

3. learning devices

3.1. smart hardware

3.1.1. ipad

3.1.2. smartboard

3.1.3. lab quest

3.1.4. turning technologies

3.1.5. computers

3.1.6. e-readers

3.2. dumb hardware

3.2.1. document camera

3.2.2. overhead projector

3.2.3. Pen & Paper