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1. Questions Discussed

1.1. What is the average salary for Dietitians?

1.2. What is the percent of registered dietitians that own their own practice or clinic?

1.3. What is the percent of dietitians that work in hospitals or outpatient?

1.4. What kind of new things are they discovering about food and how it can effect the body?

1.5. How much research will be required for this job?

2. Pros

2.1. Good salary

2.2. Good work schedule

2.2.1. Most likely Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

2.2.2. Allows for family time

2.3. Can live almost anywhere

2.4. Only four years of schooling

2.5. The field of nutrition and dietetics is steadily growing

2.6. Don't have to pay for extra schooling

3. Plan

3.1. Become a Registered Dietitian

3.1.1. Maintain at least 2.5 GPA

3.1.2. Get internship

3.1.3. Pass the exam to be a registered dietitian.

3.2. Get a job

3.2.1. Have a good interniship that might help with getting a good job

3.2.2. Live in a location where dietitians are needed

3.3. Get married

3.4. Start a family

4. Problem

4.1. Making a good enough GPA

4.2. Getting a good internship

4.3. Passing the Dietetics exam