Section one

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Section one by Mind Map: Section one

1. The rich had very spacious homes while on the other hand the poor had small dark apartments. Thick walls made of marble kept dirt and the noise of the city out of the grand wealthy Romans houses. In the wealthy Romans houses the first room you would go into was called the atrium where guests were greeted. Since the poor didn't have kitchens they cooked on small grilles.

2. I think that the main idea of section seven is housing because there are pictures of different Roman houses and the title is called housing.

3. Section seven

4. Why I believe that that is the main idea is that the Romans believed that the gods controlled their everyday lives. The Romans also tried to please the gods. The Romans would sacrifice food and animals for the gods.

5. The main idea for section four is that the Romans had a strong relationship with the gods.

6. Section four

7. The citizens of Rome gathered at the Forum to watch races, shop, and play games.

8. Many new building were being made such as monuments and theaters.

9. Section two

9.1. The main idea is that the capital city was crowded.

9.2. Why think that that is the main idea is that the section said that most citizens were cramped into small apartments on dirty streets. The apartments were put in very narrow streets so that is a negative.

10. Section ten

10.1. The main idea of section ten is the lives of the people who lived in the country of Rome.

10.1.1. 90 percent of Romes empire lived in the country. The rich Romans often had country estates which had large homes. There were many farms out there that provided food for Rome.

11. Section eight

11.1. The main idea of this section is education because the title is education.

11.1.1. The type of family you had affected the type of education you would get due to the fact that the poor didn't get education instead they went to work. On the other hand the wealthy were either taught by their fathers or a slave until they were six. Students carried their supplies in leather school bags on the busy streets to school. Upper class boys were often taught til they were twelve or thirteen but sometimes they would be taught till they were sixteen.

12. Romans ate and drank no matter if they were wealthy or not. Only the rich had kitchens and the poor depended on fast food called the thermopolia . The main foods in Rome were bread, cheese, few vegetables, and spices. Their favorite drink was plain water or hot water with herbs and honey. Roman markets had many different types of food if the people could afford it.

13. I think the main idea of this section is what the Romans ate and drank because the title for this section is called food and drink.

14. Section six

15. Section five

15.1. Roman men were expected to provide for their families and in richer families, men had a well paid political job. Wealthy Roman women ran the households and they bought slaves. Roman babies were usually born at home and if the baby wasn't strong they wouldn't keep it.

15.2. The main idea of this section is what families did with each other due to the fact that the title is called family life.

16. The main idea of this section is that people kept their traditions.

17. Why I think that that is the main idea is that the Senate wore a different type of clothing than everyone else. Why I also believe that is that guards carried fasces which was a bundle of sticks that has an axe in the center and it was a symbol of punishment for rule breakers.

18. Section three

19. The road of Rome connected the empire with its 50 million citizens.

20. I believe the main idea of section is about the daily lives of people in Rome when the Roman empire was at its height in 100 C.E.

21. Section nine

21.1. The main idea of this section is recreation time meaning what the Romans did in their free time for free or competition.

21.1.1. The rich enjoyed plays and musicals and musical performances at other Romans houses. Both the rich and the poor relaxed in the public baths where they relaxed or bathed and swam. Romans enjoyed enjoyed watching gladiators at large arenas such as the Colosseum. Their favorite arena was the Circus Maximus where there was a large racing track.