Roman Daily life
1. Section 6: Food and Drink: The food and drinks you ate depended on if you were poor or rich. Only the rich had kitchens in their houses. Main foods and drinks were bread and beans. Some drinks are plain water and hot water with honey and herbs.
2. Section 7: Housing: Like food , your house was determined by if you are poor or rich. The rich lived in grand marble houses, while the poor lived in crammed apartments on very bad streets with crime and sickness. There was even rats that carried diseases to the poor.
3. Section 8: Education: In Rome many poor children were sent to work instead of school. In wealthy families, people were tutored by slaves until they were 6. Roman boy learned things like Latin, science, and literature.
4. Section 9: Roman recreation: The Wealthy Romans enjoyed plays in others homes. Everyone relaxed at the baths. One of the biggest things was the circus maximus .
5. Section 10: Country life: The wealthy owned homes in the country. The empire's farms provided lots of food. Many slaves did most of the work on farms.
6. Section 2: Daily life in ancient Rome: Rome was covered in big gardens and temples. Still many people lived in small apartments and dirty streets. Many of these neighborhoods were filled with crime and plague.
7. Section 1: Introduction: Rome was at the highest in about 100 C.E. There was over 50 million people in Rome's giant empire. There are 8 big areas of daily life, all affecting the rich and poor.
8. Section 3: Law and order: The major source of law was the Roman empire. The Roman laws were strict because crime was very common in ancient Rome. Any Roman could accuse someone of a crime but like today, a jury will decide the answer.
9. Section 4: Religion: Religion was very important to the Romans. Many people would make offerings to the gods. There were many holy days in Ancient Rome to honor the gods. Romans even honored their emperors as gods, making offerings and sacrifices.
10. Section 5: Family life: In Rome the leader of the family was the father. Therefore, the father was expected to provide for the family. Between ages 14 and 18 a Roman boy was celebrated for being a man. He would give all of his toys and childhood clothes as an offering to the gods.
11. Section 5: Family: In Rome the father was the leader of the family. He was expected to protect them. When a boy turned 14 he was considered a man.