Postsecondary Options

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Postsecondary Options by Mind Map: Postsecondary Options

1. Commuity College

1.1. a nonresidential junior college offering courses to people living in a particular area

1.2. Four-Year Degree

2. Private college

2.1. is an independent school that sets its own policies and goals, and is privately funded

2.1.1. smaller than public or private universities

2.2. Offer 4 or more years

3. Bachelors degree

3.1. usually an academic degree

3.2. a graduate course of study or major that in theory

4. Careers

4.1. Psychology

4.1.1. Counselor

4.1.2. School Psychologist School Psychologist: Master's degree (2 to 3 years of graduate school)

4.1.3. Licensed clinical psychologist:Need an undergraduate degree (4 to 5 years of college) plus a doctorate degree in psychology (4 to 7 years of graduate school).