Postsecondary options

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Postsecondary options by Mind Map: Postsecondary options

1. Vocational schools

2. degrees

2.1. associates degree

2.2. doctorate degree

2.3. graduate degree

2.4. masters degree

2.5. bachelors degree

2.6. undergraduate degree

2.7. 4 year degrees

2.8. 2 year degrees

3. 4 yr college

4. college admissions

4.1. SAT

4.2. ACT

5. distance education

5.1. Online education

6. Junior Colleges

7. Universities

8. Community colleges

9. technical Colleges

9.1. A college providing courses in information technology, applied sciences, engineering, agriculture, etc.

10. Costs

10.1. FAFSA

10.2. room and board

10.3. tuition