secondary post options

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secondary post options by Mind Map: secondary post options

1. Vacational trayning schools

1.1. offer a wide variety of trayning opotions,such as computer technology and others.

1.1.1. vacational courses take from five to 12 months as muchas three years to complete. usually have open admissions

2. four year instututions

2.1. offer bachelor's degree

2.1.1. some offer advanced degrees

3. 2 yeas untututions

3.1. offer associate's degrees

4. 4 year collage and university

4.1. public collages and universities are subsidized with tax money from the state in which they are located

4.1.1. private collage and universities are funded through endowments.

5. career schools

6. collage

6.1. 4 year

6.1.1. classes tend to be smaller than in universities

7. Community Collage

7.1. Public two year collage

7.1.1. typically are open. they are open for those of age of 18 or older

8. Junior collage

8.1. usually a private school