Vocabulary, Reading and Writing Interventions: Piaget or Vygotsky

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Vocabulary, Reading and Writing Interventions: Piaget or Vygotsky by Mind Map: Vocabulary, Reading and     Writing Interventions: Piaget or Vygotsky

1. Concrete operational: develops proper pencil grip and writes letters in print and cursive efficiently. Writes sentences and paragraphs using proper writing rules.

1.1. Formal operational: writes sentences, essays, stories using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

2. Reading

2.1. Piaget: Sensorimotor - rhyming, oral recognition of sounds, distinguishing sounds

2.1.1. Preoperational: recognizing sounds represent letters, letters form words, recognizing words in print and print moves from left to right across the page Concrete operational: ability to more efficiently blend sounds into words in isolation and context, gaining reading rate and fluency with each grade level. Formal operational: continuing to improve fluency and comprehension while developing into an efficient reader of all subject areas Vygotsky - learning precedes development with influence from the environment

3. Writing

3.1. Piaget: Sensorimotor - scribbling and fingerpainting

3.1.1. Preoperational: distinguishes colors, manipulates a variety of writing instruments - crayons, pencils, chalk, paint brushes. Writes letters and numbers, recognizes sequence of numbers and words. Early sentence writing.

3.2. Vygotsky's theory of learning preceding development in writing would rely more on group work, so reinforces learning, cooperative learning beginning with teacher-directed activities on all grade levels then progressing to student led, then individual performance based on level of proficiency

4. Vocabulary

4.1. Piaget: Sensorimotor - pictures to make connections for oral languge

4.1.1. Preoperational - beginning to associate print with pictures or symbols, play games matching pictures to words Concrete operational and formal operational - define words, use correctly in sentences and context

5. Vygotsky: believes learning is before development and the environment influences learning

5.1. teacher led discussions to introduce words (K-12), pictures to illustrate words (K-12), read words in books(K-12), play games to reinforces (K-12), define and use words in sentences (2-12) and use appropriately in conversation and grade level reading ((4-12).