Tech Coordinator Post Interview

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Tech Coordinator Post Interview by Mind Map: Tech Coordinator Post Interview

1. Leader

1.1. Researching new technologies to be used by district.

1.2. Create and lead a technology club for students.

2. Support

2.1. Lead the Technology Committee

2.2. Assist teachers with integrating technology.

2.3. Load/Update new apps.

3. Maintenance

3.1. Repair technologies when necessary.

3.2. Replace ink cartridges.

3.3. Mail products that need to be repaired by a 3rd party.

4. Budget/Ordering

4.1. Order all pieces of technology that are needed, including replacements.

4.2. Follow budget alloted by school board.

4.3. Keep inventory of technologies used by school district.

4.4. Develop a rotational 6-year purchasing plan of new technologies.

4.5. Apply for grants to help fund technology intiatives.

5. Planning

5.1. Design PD sessions that support technology use in the classroom.