Paul reveres ride.

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Paul reveres ride. by Mind Map: Paul reveres ride.

1. So the two men agree on a secret code-Paul's signal him by hanging one lantern in the church's belfry.

2. paul's buddy in boston snoops around and find out that the british are going with the boats.

3. On the other side of the river paul is all ready to go, he sits on his horse and watches the church.

4. He races through the countryside hitting a new town every hour, calling out and warning people place by place.

5. By Midnight he's in medford, he makes it to lexington, and he gets to concord.

6. paul revere tries to warn people in the countryside about the british coming, but he needs to know which direction they are taking.

6.1. Problem 1

6.2. Define Action Points

7. Paul revere took a ride on the 18, of april in 1775

7.1. Problem 1

7.2. Problem 2

8. Suddenly he sees the signal and takes off and he takes off to let people know in the countryside that the british are coming by sea.