Hero's Journey
by Trinity Merrell
1. Goal
1.1. Finish the book and return to library
1.2. Become a Gym Leader Elite Four Take over the Pokémon world
1.3. Rescue daughter/Kill all the kidnappers
1.4. Rescue Husband/Wife Take out the Satanic cult
2. Struggle
2.1. Game play
2.2. Quests
2.3. Battles
2.4. Solving Puzzles
3. Enemies
3.1. Creatures
3.1.1. Native to book's genre(ie fantasy, historical)
3.2. Wild Pokémon/Fellow trainers
3.3. Kidnappers/Their vicious guard animals
3.4. Satanic Minions Boss
4. Hero
4.1. Bookworm
4.2. Pokémon trainer (MMORPG form)
4.3. Father/Mother
4.4. Wife/Husband
5. Ordinary World
5.1. Library
5.1.1. Bookshelf