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e-Glassory by Mind Map: e-Glassory

1. Authority.

1.1. Authority : the power or right to direct or control someone or something

1.2. Diversity : the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization

1.3. Hierarchy : a group that controls an organization and is divided into different levels

1.4. Localization : to keep (something) within a limited area : to prevent the spread of (something)

1.5. Multinational : of, relating to, or involving more than two nations

1.6. Individualist : a person who does things without being concerned about what other people will think

1.7. Logical : agreeing with the rules of logic : sensible or reasonable

1.8. Stereotype : to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same

1.9. Particularist : a political theory that each political group has a right to promote its own interests and especially independence without regard to the interests of larger groups

1.10. Characteristics : a special quality or trait that makes a person, thing, or group different from others

2. Management

2.1. Entrepreneur : a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money

2.2. Innovation : the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods

2.3. Quit: released from obligation, charge, or penalty; especially

2.4. Psychology : the science or study of the mind and behavior

2.5. Vacancy: a job or position that is available to be taken

2.6. Weaknesses: a quality or feature that prevents someone or something from being effective or useful

2.7. Headhunters : a recruiter of personnel especially at the executive level

2.8. Position: the place where someone or something is in relation to other people or things

2.9. Recruiters: to find suitable people and get them to join a company, an organization, the armed forces, etc.

2.10. Interviewee: a person who is interviewed

3. Company

3.1. Enterprise: a project or activity that involves many people and that is often difficult

3.2. management: the act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a business, department, sports team, etc.

3.3. Goods: of somewhat high but not excellent quality

3.4. Services: to do the work that is needed to keep (a machine or vehicle) in good condition

3.5. Centrally planned economy: in the middle of something : located in the center of a thing or place

3.6. Mixed economy: made of different kinds of things mixed together or combined

3.7. Market economy: an economic system in which prices are based on competition among private businesses and not controlled by a government

3.8. Short list: a list of a small number of people or things that have been selected from a larger group and are being considered to receive an award, to get a job, etc.

3.9. Covering letter: an object or substance that goes over or on top of something especially in order to hide or protect it

3.10. Senior: a person who is older than another person

4. Responseblity

4.1. Bonuses : something good that is more than what was expected or required

4.2. Challenging : difficult in a way that is usually interesting or enjoyable

4.3. Responsibility : the state of being the person who caused something to happen

4.4. Creative : using the ability to make or think of new things : involving the process by which new ideas, storieCreative : using the ability to make or think of new things : involving the process by which new ideas, stories

4.5. Rewarded : to give money or another kind of payment to (someone or something) for something good that has been done

4.6. Psychological : of or relating to the study of the mind : of or relating to psychology

4.7. Satisfaction : a happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or something that happened to you

4.8. Ambitious : having ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous

4.9. Pessimistic : having or showing a lack of hope for the future : expecting bad things to happen

4.10. Wages : an amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours, days, etc., that are worked

5. Organization

5.1. Budget : an amount of money available for spending that is based on a plan for how it will be spen

5.2. Collaborating : to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something

5.3. Conflicts : strong disagreement between people, groups, etc., that results in often angry argument

5.4. Independence : freedom from outside control or support : the state of being independent

5.5. Merger : the act or process of combining two or more businesses into one business.

5.6. Takeover : an occurrence in which a person, company, etc., takes control of something

5.7. Organization : the act or process of putting the different parts of something in a certain order so that they can be found or used easily

5.8. Downsizing : to make a company smaller and more efficient by reducing the number of workers

5.9. Permission : the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it will be allowed or permitted

5.10. Autonomous : existing or acting separately from other things or people

6. Economic

6.1. Economics: a science concerned with the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and brought.

6.2. Scarcity: a very small supply : the state of being scarce

6.3. Opportunity cost: the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual value resulting from such use and that of an alternative (as another use of the same resources or an investment of equal risk but greater return)

6.4. Factors of production: the process of making or growing something for sale or use

6.5. Production possibilities: a chance that something might exist, happen, or be true : the state or fact of being possible

6.6. Revenue: money that is made by or paid to a business or an organization

6.7. Profit: money that is made in a business, through investing, etc., after all the costs and expenses are paid : a financial gain

6.8. Firm: set, placed, or attached in a way that is not easily moved

6.9. Capital: the uppermost member of a column or pilaster crowning the shaft and taking the weight of the entablature — see column illustration

6.10. Candidate: a person who is being considered for a job, position, award, etc.