What is learning?

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What is learning? by Mind Map: What is learning?

1. Ideas and concepts

1.1. Learning is a change in knowledge, beliefs, behaviours and attitudes

1.2. Learning requires the active, constructive involement of the learner

1.3. Concepts of learning

1.3.1. Knowing myself as a learner

1.3.2. Dealing with details

1.3.3. Being organized

2. Curiosity and Questioning

2.1. Openness to experience new things, trying to find answers to the why's that I've asked and continue to ask throughout my life

3. Key definitions and notions

3.1. Learning is a process not a product

3.2. Key definitions of learning

3.2.1. Guided learning

3.2.2. Action learning

3.2.3. Experimental learning Books News sources Blogs Supporting Data Expert reports Third party research Survey data Size of topic

4. Belonging, Being, Becoming

4.1. Knowing where and whom I belong

4.2. To seek and make meaning of the world

4.3. Identity, knowledge, understanding, capacity, skills and relationships

4.4. From birth I was connected to family, community, culture and place

4.4.1. Introduction - why are you writing about this?

4.4.2. Subhead 1

4.4.3. Subhead 2

4.4.4. Subhead 3

4.4.5. Conclusion - what summarizes what is most interesting about your topic?

5. My Insights

5.1. Individualized Learning

5.2. Motovation comes from within

6. Learning Environments

6.1. Self-regulated learning

6.2. Sensitive in context

6.3. collaborative