It's shocking

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It's shocking by Mind Map: It's shocking

1. electricty every were

1.1. at home

1.1.1. we use ovens they use

1.2. computer electrike toilet

1.2.1. telephone if you have a bag you can take a computer

1.3. in MRT/LRT

1.4. telephone

1.4.1. computer ipad ipod

2. what you need to make a lightbolb

2.1. a wire

2.1.1. a battery case a battery 2 wires

3. How do you change the brightness of a bulb?

4. Static electricity!

4.1. static electricity hehwuqgd jsahdiuasn d

5. from-what is electricity?

6. school tour

6.1. These places are places we are not aloud to go

6.1.1. 1.main power