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The Theory of Evolution por Mind Map: The Theory of Evolution

1. Natural Selection

1.1. Variation exists among individuals in a species.

1.2. Individuals of species will compete for resources (food and space)

1.3. Some competition would lead to the death of some individuals while others would survive

1.4. Individuals that had advantageous variations are more likely to survive and reproduce.

2. The Survival of the Fittest

2.1. The phrase was first used by Herbert Spencer after reading Darwin's "On the Origin of Species"

2.2. Darwin then used the phrase himself in a later edition of his book, alongside the term "natural selection"

2.3. What he meant by it was "better designed for an immediate, local environment"

3. Evidence for Evolution

3.1. Fossil Evidence

3.1.1. We have tons of fossils of creatures that no longer exist but bear striking resemblance to creatures that do exist today.

3.2. Evidence from Living Organism

3.2.1. Biochemistry and DNA

3.2.2. Embryological development–Embryos of different species develop almost identically

3.2.3. Observation of species change (wolves/dogs, peppered moths)

4. Just a Theory?

4.1. "Theory" as used in everyday language

4.1.1. A hypothesis proposed as an explanation;

4.2. "Theory" as used in science

4.2.1. In science, theories are statements or models that have been tested and confirmed many times.

4.2.2. The Theory of Evolution is a hypothesis that has been confirmed and established by observation and experiment!

5. Charles Darwin

5.1. English naturalist and geologist

5.2. 1809 - 1882

5.3. The Origin of Species

5.4. Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection