The recent shark culling program (via drum lines) by the WA State Government has polarised commun...

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The recent shark culling program (via drum lines) by the WA State Government has polarised community opinion. While sharks are a part of the natural ecosystem and should be protected, the loss of life to shark attacks in WA metro and country beaches is one of the highest of any populated area in the world. Using current research evidence to support your discussion, do you think the WA Government has got its policy on shark protection right? by Mind Map: The recent shark culling program (via drum lines) by the WA State Government has polarised community opinion. While sharks are a part of the natural ecosystem and should be protected, the loss of life to shark attacks in WA metro and country beaches is one of the highest of any populated area in the world. Using current research evidence to support your discussion, do you think the WA Government has got its policy on shark protection right?

1. Stats.

2. Definition.

3. Identify which argument has more support.

4. Argument against

5. Successful

6. Other uses of drum lines

7. Failures

8. Effects on other species