Strategies for implementing trauma informed practice

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Strategies for implementing trauma informed practice by Mind Map: Strategies for implementing trauma informed practice

1. Safety

1.1. for the workforce

1.1.1. non-judgemental/empathic managers/less focus on perfectionism

1.1.2. access to support services for staff and more sick/mental health leave

1.2. for clients

1.2.1. welcoming environment

1.2.2. flexibility e.g. with appt times/environments/ppl present

1.2.3. ensure client feels heard/understood/validate

2. Trustworthiness

2.1. be available

2.2. follow through

2.2.1. apologize if we can't

2.3. validate

3. Choice

3.1. offer options not prescriptions

3.2. self-destruction as a choice?

4. Collaboration

4.1. ako - learn as much from clients as they do from you

5. Empowerment

5.1. education