1. Breakfast Club & CAPHC AGM
2. Opening Reception
2.1. Flag ceremony
2.2. entertainment
2.3. O' Canada
2.4. dignitaries
3. Logistics
3.1. Purple Dog
3.1.1. AV audio/video recordings
3.1.2. space negotiations
3.1.3. space allocation
3.1.4. onsite logistics
3.1.5. signage airport banner session name/sponsor sponsor signs direction signs poster exhibit hall
3.1.6. "Giveaways" delegate bags pens water bottles hand sanitizers bag inserts
3.2. ProReg
3.2.1. pre-registration
3.2.2. on site registrations
3.2.3. post conference evaluation forms
3.2.4. abstract submission/review
3.3. Hotel
3.3.1. potentially manage hotel block directly with hotel, instead of through ProReg
3.4. Travel
3.4.1. get preferred carrier for event toprovide discounts for delegates
4. Satellite Sessions
4.1. CFAN
4.2. CYHNC
4.3. CPDSN
4.4. CN-CYR
4.5. Patient Safety
4.6. CCYHC
5. Exhibitors
5.1. CPSI
5.2. Open Source Order Sets
5.3. PHAC
5.4. CIHI
5.5. Discovery Campus
5.6. Telus
5.7. Previous Exhibitor
5.7.1. Bell
5.7.2. HP
5.7.3. Niche
6. Awards and Gifts
6.1. Awards Luncheon
6.1.1. Contribution to Child Health
6.1.2. Corporate Citizen
6.2. Gala
6.2.1. Poster Winners
6.3. Other
6.3.1. Speaker Gifts
6.3.2. Departing Board Members
7. Gala
7.1. Entertainment
7.2. Awards
7.3. Fun gift exchange between host cities
7.4. meal
7.5. special guests/dignitaries
8. Posters
8.1. Committee Selection
8.2. Set up Online Submission Process
8.3. Acceptance and Review Criteria
8.4. set up online review process
8.4.1. have multiple reviewers reviewing with scores averages (ie: CPS 2008)
8.5. Recieve Submissions
8.6. Set Submission Deadline
8.7. Initial Scan
8.8. Review Submissions
8.9. Select Winners
8.10. hardware for posters (ie: velcro, etc)
9. Working Meetings
9.1. PCC
9.3. PSCC
9.5. CN-CYR
9.6. CACLL
9.7. Medbuy
9.8. CCHSR
9.9. CAPHC Board
9.10. Canadian Children's Hospital Foundation Executives
10. Potential streams
10.1. patient safety
10.2. child & youth rehab
10.3. critical care
10.4. Mental Health
10.5. C & C
10.6. Transport
10.7. Networks, Partnerships and Collaboraitons
10.8. Transitions
10.9. Engaging Youth
10.10. Don't forget the moderators
10.11. finance (per Alan H, CFO @ IWK), operations, legal, IT (per Dave Mosher @ HP)
11. Sponsors
11.1. HP
11.2. Bell
11.3. Baxter
11.4. MedBuy
11.5. Stollery Children's Hosptial
11.6. BC Children's Hospital
11.7. Potential
11.7.1. send open call for sponsorships to all potential sponsors
11.7.2. Eclipsys
11.7.3. HIROC
11.7.4. Marsh Insurance
11.7.5. Banking (RBC)
11.7.6. rl Solutions
11.8. SickKids Foundation
11.9. Discovery Campus
11.10. Rx & D
11.11. Conference Partners
11.11.1. PHAC
11.11.2. McMaster Child Health Research Institute
11.11.3. CIHR
11.11.4. CPSI
11.11.5. CIHI