Roman Myth Romulus & Remus

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Roman Myth Romulus & Remus создатель Mind Map: Roman Myth Romulus & Remus

1. Service To State Is A Religous Act

1.1. Defied Emperors

1.2. Practicality vs. Piety

1.3. Roman Ideal

1.3.1. Gravitas

1.3.2. Pictas

1.3.3. Frugalitas

2. Patricarchal

3. Multiple Versions

3.1. Political

3.2. Cultural

3.3. Adopting & Adapting

4. Common Archetype

4.1. Contoversy Surrounding Illegitimacy

4.2. Brother vs. Brother

4.3. Divine Parent

4.4. Abandonded Baby In Basket

4.5. Divine Guidance In Founding Of City