Roman Myths: Remus and Romulus

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Roman Myths: Remus and Romulus создатель Mind Map: Roman Myths: Remus and Romulus

1. Service to State is a Religious Act

1.1. Practicality Vs. Piety

1.2. Deified Emperors

1.3. Roman Ideal

1.3.1. Gravitas

1.3.2. Pietas

1.3.3. Frugalitas

2. Common Archetypes

2.1. Brother Vs. Brother

2.2. Divine Parent

2.3. Abandoned Baby in Basket

2.4. Divine Guidance in Founding of City

3. Myths "Grounded" in History

4. Patriarchal

5. Multiple Versions

5.1. Political

5.2. Cultural

5.3. Adopting and Adapting