Roman Myth: Romulus & Remus

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Roman Myth: Romulus & Remus by Mind Map: Roman Myth: Romulus & Remus

1. Service to state is a religous act

1.1. Practicality VS Peity

1.2. Deified Emperors

1.3. Roman Ideals

1.3.1. Gravitas

1.3.2. Pietas

1.3.3. Frugalitas

2. Patriarchal

3. Commom archetypes

3.1. Key shortcuts

3.2. Controversy surrounding illegitimacy

3.3. Brother VS Brother

3.4. Divine parent

3.5. Abandoned baby in basket

3.6. Divine guidance in founding city

4. Myths grounded in history

5. Multiple versions

5.1. Political

5.2. Cultural

5.3. Adopting & Adapting