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Brainstorm by Mind Map: Brainstorm

1. Kate Sheapard

1.1. Protest for the WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union)

1.1.1. Takes a lot of time and effort Less time to get signature and persuade men. They would not achieve the outcome. They would not achieve the outcome. They would get tired Not be able to achieve the goal and stick to a tight schedule of protests trying to encourage support

1.1.2. Could become violent. They would not maintain support from. Men Women They could be targeted by other people or the police could get involved and start to crack down on supporters.

1.2. Talk to government officials and go straight to politics.

1.2.1. May not be able to get into the bee hive and get to voice their opinion. Would not achieve outcome. They would have wasted valuable time in the fight on their

1.2.2. They would not have enough support from the people. Because they would go straight to government, and people would not be as open to persuasion. They would have to slow down the movement and make sure everyone was in support They would not have enough support to continue the movement.

1.3. ”Raise awareness of their plight and build support.”

1.3.1. Time This strategy takes a large amount of time to employ. Because you have to be face to face and you cannot simply broadcast your message to a large group of people to make them support you. The time that it take does pay off though. This is because the supports that Kate did have time to gain are sold on the image and the prospect of what you are going to do because of the time she spent convincing them.

1.3.2. The followers are supportive fully and believe in Kate's image also they are prepared to show their opinion and support Kate. The goal that Kate and her followers had in mind are more likely to succeed because a large group of people is in support of your opinion and goal. The people supporting Kate knew exactly what they were going to get and what they should do to support the cause that Kate was working towards.

2. Peekay (POO Character)

2.1. ”Raise awareness of their plight and build support.”

2.1.1. Time This method takes time. He does not have a long period of time as his suffering is immediate and the problem is developing becoming harder to overcome. Is effective use of time It is an effective use of time because it shows the people why they should support him, and why he should lead them.This counteracts the balance of the solution taking time to employ, and makes it worthwhile.

2.1.2. Gets the entire group of effected people to work with him. This is powerful and effective because you cannot stop an uprising if the entire or majority of the people are against you.

2.2. Use camoflague

2.2.1. He will not solve the problem for anyone else, only stop his own abuse and discrimination. He will still have work towards solving the problem for all people in South Africa. Not achieving outcome. Will have to employ another strategy to solve the problem and achieve the outcome. Takes more time.

2.2.2. People will always still abuse him for who they know he is. Not completely solving the problem He will still have to use another strategy to achieve the closest amount to 100% equality for himself. Not achieving outcome. Not achieving outcome.