Information Literacy

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Information Literacy by Mind Map: Information Literacy

1. New Literacy

1.1. Information Literacy

1.2. Print Literacy

1.3. Visual Literacy

1.4. Digital Literacy

1.5. Tool Literacy

1.6. Critical Literacy

1.7. Media Literacy

1.8. Social Networking Literacy

1.9. Multilliteracies

2. Levels

2.1. Personal Use

2.2. Professional Use

2.3. Professional Use

3. Traditional Literacy

3.1. Reading

3.2. Writing

3.3. Speaking

3.4. Listening

4. Models

4.1. Elisenberg/Berkowitz BIG 6 InformatiProblem Solving

4.1.1. Task Definition

4.1.2. Information Seeking Strategies

4.1.3. Location Access

4.1.4. Use of Information

4.1.5. Synthesis

4.1.6. Evaluation

4.2. Pitts/Stripling Research Model

4.3. Pappas/Tepe Pathways to Knowledge

4.4. Kuhithan Information Seeking

5. Definition

5.1. To be infomation literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate,evulate, and use effectively the needed information.(Amercian Library Association)