Stalin's Economic Impact

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Stalin's Economic Impact by Mind Map: Stalin's Economic Impact

1. Collectivisation

1.1. Merged small farms to larger collective farms (kolkhozy)

1.2. large collective farms were believed to farm more efficiently through mechanisation, like tractors

1.3. The Soviet production only got on par, in 1950s with Lenin's NEP it achieved in 1928. Stalin continued to view collectivisation as a success.

2. Rapid Industrialisation

2.1. Five year plans used to rapidly industrialise

2.1.1. First Parts of economy faced under production of factories as factories faced shortages of materials RESULTED IN GREAT DEAL OFWASTAGES IN MATERIALS In haste to meet production figures, quality of products were sub standard

2.1.2. second and third results were declining in a rate of growth as emphasis was planned on taking stock production and putting in place greater planning and coordination in 1937, the soviet union had an economic breakdown and oil and steel industries stopped growing

2.2. Factories to produse mechanisition of farming like tractors

2.3. A these equipment were made, lesser farmers were needed and they could go to the city to work

2.4. the FYP helped probe the soviet union to become an industrialised base foor powerful arms but less growth in house-building, fertilisers and wooden textiles. The FYP was also marked by poor coordination