Musical Elements

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Musical Elements by Mind Map: Musical Elements

1. Tempo

1.1. How fast or slow the beat is performed

1.2. Uses Italian words to describe

1.2.1. Presto - Very Fast

1.2.2. Allegro - Fast

1.2.3. Moderato - Medium

1.2.4. Andante - Slow

1.2.5. Largo - Very Slow

2. Rhythm

2.1. Patterns of sound built on the beat

2.2. Usually repetitive throughout a piece of music

3. Melody

3.1. One pitch played at a time

3.2. The main part of a piece of music

4. Harmony

4.1. Two or more pitches played at the same time

4.2. The background of a piece of music

4.3. Supports the melody

4.4. Two types of harmony

4.4.1. Consonant - notes combine and sound like they belong together

4.4.2. Dissonant - notes combine and sound like they do not belong together

5. Form

5.1. The "shape" of the music

5.2. Tracks new and repeated music

5.3. Uses letters

5.4. New music = Next letter

5.5. Repeated music = Same letter

6. Dynamics

6.1. How loud or soft the music is performed

6.2. Use Italian words and abbreviations to describe

6.2.1. ff - Fortissimo - Very Loud

6.2.2. f - Forte - Loud

6.2.3. mf - Mezzo Forte - Medium Loud

6.2.4. mp - Mezzo Piano - Medium Soft

6.2.5. p - Piano - Soft

6.2.6. pp - Pianissimo - Very Soft

7. Articulation

7.1. How note sounds start and stop

7.2. Uses Italian words to describe

7.2.1. Staccato - short and separated

7.2.2. Legato - smooth and connected