The Death Penalty in America

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The Death Penalty in America by Mind Map: The Death Penalty in America

1. Quizzlet

2. An unfair sentence which affects

2.1. the poor

2.1.1. 90 % were defended by court-appointed lawyers

2.2. black people

2.2.1. Segregation is still an issue

2.3. innoncent people

2.3.1. Because of police misconduct and wrongful convictions

3. Indifference at the top

3.1. Clinton bragged about his support for the death penalty

3.2. George W. Bush personally signed dozens of executions

3.2.1. He remains deaf to appeals for clemency

3.3. Obama hasn't announced any plans

4. America splits in three

4.1. Some states which apply the sentence

4.1.1. Texas

4.1.2. Virginia

4.1.3. Oklahoma

4.2. Some states which have temporatily halted executions

4.2.1. Kansas

4.2.2. Maryland

4.2.3. California

4.3. Some states which do not have the death penalty

4.3.1. Massachusetts

4.3.2. Minnesota

4.3.3. New Jersey

5. Tagxedo

6. Since the 17th century until Today

6.1. Glogster

7. A controversial question

7.1. It's still a topical subject

7.2. Constantly evolving

7.2.1. in 1994 80 % of Americans were in favor of the death penalty 16 % of Americans opposed it

7.2.2. in 2010 64 % of Americans were in favor of the death penalty 29 % of Americans opposed it