Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism

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Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism by Mind Map: Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism

1. explaining the varied immediate responses by the people under colonial rule.

1.1. Students will create a power point that explains the different responses of the people under colonial rule.

2. explaining the varied long term response by the people under colonial rule.

2.1. Students will be create a speech pretending to be time travelers that explaining the long terms effects of imperialistic rule.

3. explaining imperialism from the perspective of the colonizers.

3.1. Students will create a video and make a commercial pretending to be a ruler of a colonizing country.

4. explaining from the point of view of the colonized.

4.1. Students will make a video arguing against colonization.