Electricity and Magnetism are related effects that have many useful applications in everyday life

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Electricity and Magnetism are related effects that have many useful applications in everyday life by Mind Map: Electricity and Magnetism are related effects that have many useful applications in everyday life

1. Students will learn the conversions of light, heat, and motion.

1.1. Students will work in groups and use worksheets to work on conversions among light, heat, and motion

1.2. Working on a group project that can give the commonality with the three elements as well as differences between them.

2. Students will describe the different kinds of motions

2.1. First talking about the laws of motion and describing talking about the individual who created these laws: Issac Newton

2.2. Having the students look up a website webb4u.weebly.com/newtons-laws-of-motion.html. Students can watch a short video about the laws of motion.

2.3. Once the students get an understanding about Issac Newton, I will have them build a brochure about Newton and the lows he described.

3. Students need to explain what light is.

3.1. Having students build a "Electricity Kit." To understand how electricity produces light.

3.2. Talking to students on how light helps us. Not just about helping us see in the dark, but other ways that it is used and how it is produced.

3.3. Just as a fun extra note for them, I would us the NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) "Elementary School Curriculm. Which would help the students understand on how to conserve energy. It talks about Electromagnetism in their curriculum, so it would be an important assest to use in my lesson.

4. Students can describe what heat is.

4.1. Having students take a look at different threometers to see the adjusting temperatures.

4.2. For my class, I would start an account on Khan Academy and suggest to them to log on and look at the videos they have about heat and heat transfer.

4.3. Using on of the books in the class, I would describe what heat is. Giving examples and using the pictures to give more detail on what heat can be used for.

5. Students understand what electrical energy is.

5.1. Will look at your tube videos and see what kind of electoral energy there is

5.2. Having students make a brochure associate with what is electrical energy is by making a small brochure