Technical Excellence Health Radar - Final

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Technical Excellence Health Radar - Final by Mind Map: Technical Excellence  Health Radar - Final

1. Team Norms

1.1. has well understood and agreed upon team norms. They focus on high team communication, sharing roles and responsibilities and how they will define and accept when a feature is done.

1.2. Definition of Done

1.2.1. has a well known and evolving definition of done that ensures quality, function and completeness which all work is held to and is enforced by the team ?? should this say potentially shipable somewhere ??

1.3. Peer Reviews

1.3.1. is empowered to and utilizes lean peer review practices, including small reviews, walkthroughs and verifying defects are fixed, effectively to ensure the application is well designed, of high quality, minimizes defects, meets team standards and satisfies the definition of done ?? do we need the empowered part or if they aren't empowered they probably wont' meet it?? or maybe they do it even though they aren't empowered... should that be a poor rating due to lack of empowerment or a high rating because they are doing it

1.4. Pair Programming

1.4.1. is empowered to and utilizes pair programming practices including 2 team members at 1 computer, rotating pairs, rotating roles and pairing beyond just coding to ensure the application is well designed, of high quality, minimizes defects, meets team standards and satisfies the definition of done ?? do we need the empowered part or if they aren't empowered they probably wont' meet it?? or maybe they do it even though they aren't empowered... should that be a poor rating due to lack of empowerment or a high rating because they are doing it

1.5. Collective Ownership

1.5.1. shares ownership of the work, roles and responsibilities to ensure high productivity and sees individual problems as the team's problems ?? I don't like the 'and' half but I think it's important to get the point across that the team is one ??

1.6. Bus Factor

1.6.1. achieves an effective bus factor so that progress is never halted at any point in time while keeping the process lean and the team productive ?? Would like some feedback on this one ?? Help: The bus factor is the total number of key team members who would need to be incapacitated (ie: getting hit by a bus) to stop progress on a feature or entire project

1.7. Sustainable Pace (Appropriate Workload?)

1.7.1. consistently commits to the correct amount of work to complete to done within an iteration without needing overtime or having too much downtime phrase "having too much downtime" is weird but I want to capture it's not good to undercommit maybe: without constantly under-committing or over-comitting

1.8. Focus

1.8.1. has a strong understanding of each iteration goal and their work consistently revolves around that goal

1.9. Managing Technical Debt

1.9.1. has effective processes to limit introduction of technical debt and pay off existing debt to increase maintainability and enhance agility

1.10. Team Improvement

1.10.1. consistently learns and applys new skills, participates in communities of practice and utilizes retrospectives to continue improving their technical excellence

1.11. Cross Functional

1.11.1. is cross functional to effectively accomplish user stories both in regards to technology (programming, database, systems, etc) and process (testing, development, business analyst, etc) without requiring external help or signoff ?? thoughts ??

1.12. Innovation

1.12.1. is empowered to innovate and utilizes that empowerment to introduce creative solutions in the project and in their proccesses

2. Craftsmanship

2.1. strives to achieve a high level of craftsmanship in their work which encompass both the final product and the practices to achieve it

2.1.1. ??

2.2. Test Driven Development

2.2.1. utilizes the right amount and level of test driven development, including writing the test first, making it pass, and refactoring, to ensure the application is well designed, of high quality, minimizes defects and increases courage to refactor and fix code

2.3. Unit Tests

2.3.1. utilizes the right amount and level of automated unit testing to ensure the application's components are working individually as desired as well as can easily and quickly identify where a problem exists when a test is failing

2.4. Integration Tests

2.4.1. utilizes the right amount and level of automated integration tests to ensure the application's components are successfully working together as desired

2.5. Refactoring

2.5.1. utilizes the right amount and level of refactoring, restructuring new and old code without changing it's observable behavior, to make the code more understandable, less complex, easier to modify and maintain

2.6. Continuous Integration

2.6.1. integrates their work frequently, at least daily, such that everyone is working off the latest version and has automated and immediate feedback for the success or failure of an integration via automated builds and automated testing of the application

2.7. Clean Code

2.7.1. practices clean code, which includes meaningful names, short descriptive functions, code formatting standards and the proper use of comments, to make the code easier to read, modify and maintain

2.8. Simple/Emergent Design

2.8.1. uses the simplest possible design to get a feature done and refactors to allow the system's overall design to emerge over time from what is necessary

2.9. Maintainability

2.9.1. builds and improves code to easily enable low risk change which includes correcting defects, adding new functionality and removing existing functionality

2.10. Secure Code

2.10.1. is aware of how secure their code is and changes code consistently to reduce vulnerabilities or manage security risks including the use of secure programming and automated security scans with immediate feedback ?? looking for help on this one ??

3. Orange - Dimension Summaries Prepend each with: "A Technically Excellent team..." Append each with "To what extent do you agree with the statements below. 1 = Strongly Disagree 10 = Strongly Agree"

4. Ops

4.1. has a high respect for the operations of the business and strives to serve their users in the most effective way possible. They have constant monitoring of the systems to ensure up time and they prevent impacting the user negatively as much as possible during upgrade and maintenance actions.

4.2. Implementation

4.2.1. utilizes already verified builds and repeatable processes to implement changes into production quickly with little to no user impact

4.3. Root Cause Analysis

4.3.1. is empowered to and performs root cause analysis efficiently, utilizing as much automatic processes possible to reduce user impact and pinpoint problems

4.4. Real User Monitoring (RUM)

4.4.1. has a steady flow of real user statistics, to include the health of systems, most and least used features, and performance changes over time, to aid decision making, enhance technical excellence and enhance agility

4.5. Environments

4.5.1. has multiple run-time environments, like development, test, integration, staging and production, to ensure flawless implementations and achieve technical excellence I wonder if this doesn't fit in the enterprise help/support dimension

5. Working Software

5.1. values working software as the primary measure of progress. They measure working software in many ways to help qualify potentially shipable features and ensure the right product is being built

5.2. Acceptance Tests

5.2.1. utilizes the right amount and level of automated acceptance testing to ensure the application is meeting the acceptance criteria of each story/feature ?? do we want to use the term "feature" exclusively, or story, or differentiate that sometimes multiple stories = a feature?

5.3. System Level Tests

5.3.1. utilizes the right amount and level of automated system level testing to ensure the applications are interacting as an entire system as desired / intended? ?? desired or intended ?? or both ??

5.4. Regression Tests

5.4.1. utilizes the right amount and level of automated regression testing to ensure previous features continue to function as desired / intended?

5.5. Performance Tests

5.5.1. utilizes the right amount and level of automated performance testing to ensure the application is capable of handling peak traffic at the speed the user requires as well as ensures the application uses an acceptable amount of resources ?? probably too verbose ?? would like to capture 3 things handles peak traffic is as fast as the business/user requires uses an acceptable amount of resources (doesn't crash a user's pc)

5.6. Stability

5.6.1. constantly monitors and improves stability to achieve 99% up time as well as minimizes user impacts of (??)disaster(??) situations

5.7. User Involvement

5.7.1. effectively involves the users in defining the features, brainstorming solutions to the features and confirming the implementations are effective in accomplishing those features

6. Enterprise/Business Impediment Help/Support -- Leadership Support/Enablement

6.1. has the support and encouragement of those surrounding them. This includes their Product Owner, Scrum Master, supporting teams the and their leadership. They have everything they need to achieve technical excellence and are empowered to find their own way to achieve it

6.2. Empowered

6.2.1. is empowered by the business and leadership to be technically excellent which includes defining their own lean processes and definition of done to ensure high quality and building of the right product

6.3. Impediment Removal

6.3.1. is supported by the business and leadership by quickly removing impediments the team has ?? I feel like more is needed ??

6.4. Resources

6.4.1. has or can easily obtain the resources needed to be technically excellent which can include personal hardware, server hardware, research material, training and mentorship

6.5. Tools

6.5.1. has or can easily obtain the tools needed to be technically excellent which can include development environment tools, build and automation tools, operating systems, libraries and effective work spaces

7. Clarifying Statements

7.1. Prepend: "A Technically Excellent team..."

7.2. Survey Statements phrased as "My team..."