SAM External Site

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SAM External Site by Mind Map: SAM External Site

1. Our Work

1.1. campaigns

1.2. videos

1.3. print materials

2. Marketing User Group (MUG)

2.1. Advertising Resources On Campus

2.2. Advertising Resources Off-Campus

2.3. Notes/Agendas/Resources/Calendar from MUG meetings

3. @StudentAffNU feed

4. Resources

4.1. Lynda

4.2. Design Resources

4.3. SA Social Media sites

4.4. Marketing Request Form

4.5. SoMe Best Practices

5. Social Media Policies/Best Practices

6. About SAM

6.1. what we do

6.1.1. our history

6.1.2. awards

6.2. meet the staff

6.2.1. full time

6.2.2. student Staff

6.3. learning outcomes

6.4. contact us

6.4.1. careers/work-study jobs?

6.5. Communication Vehicles SAM produces (email, newsletters, blog, SoMe)

7. Brand Book

7.1. Lynda

8. Marketing Request Form (Mach Form)

8.1. MachForm

9. Branding

9.1. Fonts

9.2. Brand Book

9.3. Logos

10. SA Social Media sites