6 Questions To Understand Your Patients' Needs

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6 Questions To Understand Your Patients' Needs by Mind Map: 6 Questions To Understand Your Patients' Needs

1. Seniors

1.1. Think and Feel

1.1.1. Old age is a reality I have to accept

1.1.2. Health is something that deteriorates over time

1.1.3. They're anticipating death as something that is looming over them

1.2. See

1.2.1. They get special treatment in public places

1.2.2. They see their own wrinkled skin

1.2.3. They see their grandkids running around and having fun

1.2.4. They see their children with happy families

1.2.5. They see themselves gaining weight

1.3. Hear

1.3.1. Friends saying "I'm old enough not to worry about my health"

1.3.2. Others saying "You can't do that, you're too old"

1.3.3. Doctors saying "that hurts because you're old, don't worry about it"

1.4. Say & Do

1.4.1. "I'm not as young as I used to be"

1.4.2. Take part in less physically demanding activities

1.4.3. Sometimes take part in more mentally demanding activities

1.4.4. Post-Retirement: Giving back to the community

1.5. Pains

1.5.1. Aches and Pains of "old age"

1.5.2. Fear of death

1.5.3. Nothing fun to do/No ability to do the things they used to love

1.5.4. The desire to play with their grandkids but the inability to keep up physically

1.6. Gains

1.6.1. Painless movement

1.6.2. Energy & Feeling of longevity

1.6.3. Ability to participate in more demanding activities they love

1.6.4. Longer life and more time to spend with loved ones

2. Pain

2.1. Think and Feel

2.1.1. They think that their physical pain is something that they will have to live with

2.1.2. They think that if the medical doctor can’t help then no one can

2.1.3. They think that they should be taking pain killers

2.1.4. They feel drained and perpetually uncomfortable

2.2. See

2.2.1. They see people who are able to experience everything life has to offer

2.2.2. They see an “OLD” person in the mirror

2.2.3. They see a victim

2.3. Hear

2.3.1. They hear that surgery is the only option

2.3.2. They hear that chiropractic is a lifetime commitment

2.3.3. They hear chiropractic is expensive

2.4. Say & Do

2.4.1. “I will live with my chronic pain.”

2.4.2. “I need surgery for my pain”

2.4.3. “I need medicine for my pain”

2.4.4. “I can’t exercise because of my pain”

2.4.5. “Chiropractic will help for my pain and then I will be done”

2.5. Pains

2.5.1. They experience physical pain

2.5.2. They are embarrassed of what they see in the mirror

2.5.3. They experience the pain of not being able to play with their children

2.5.4. They experience the pain of not participating in their favorite hobbies

2.6. Gains

2.6.1. They get out of pain

2.6.2. They experience more out of life

2.6.3. They are able to pursue their hobbies and passion

2.6.4. They have more energy

3. Athletes

3.1. Think and Feel

3.1.1. "I can do better"

3.1.2. "Someone else out there can outperform me"

3.1.3. "How can I improve?" (go faster, jump higher, lift more, be more accurate)

3.1.4. They think that there's always a way to gain a leg up on the competition

3.1.5. They think they're at a disadvantage in some area they're unaware of

3.2. Hear

3.2.1. "You're so strong"

3.2.2. "Are you going to the Olympics"

3.2.3. "Congratulations"

3.2.4. "Harder! Faster! Better! Stronger!"

3.2.5. "What are you going to do after this injury?"

3.3. Say & Do

3.3.1. "I'm participating in a competition/race"

3.3.2. Work out & train regularly

3.3.3. "I don't want to eat that"

3.3.4. "I'm having a bad streak"

3.3.5. Try out new exercise science techniques

3.3.6. Experiment with diet

3.4. See

3.4.1. Others at the gym, some outperforming, others not

3.4.2. Competitors

3.4.3. Their trophies (or lack thereof)

3.4.4. Their family, fans, and coach counting on them

3.5. Pains

3.5.1. Lack of knowledge of how to perform better

3.5.2. Sore muscles/joints

3.5.3. Injuries

3.5.4. Need to have an edge

3.6. Gains

3.6.1. Education & treatment to gain an edge over competitors

3.6.2. Relief from pain

3.6.3. Faster recovery

3.6.4. More capable muscles and joints

4. Families/Pediatrics

4.1. Think and Feel

4.1.1. They think about the health of their children and how they want their children to experience everything life has to offer

4.1.2. They think about their partner and how he/she does not support their decisions when it comes to health

4.1.3. They think about how they will cover their monthly expenses

4.1.4. They think about their parents health

4.1.5. They think about their job and the byproduct of stress

4.1.6. They think about whether they should vaccinate their children and get a flu shot

4.2. See

4.2.1. They see people in their family who are sick and dying

4.2.2. They see a bank account with less money than they desire

4.2.3. They see infomercials of “health” products that promise the world

4.2.4. They see pharmaceutical drug commercials and ads for flu shots

4.2.5. They see other families who are taking the medical journey

4.2.6. They see people dying at an early age

4.3. Hear

4.3.1. They hear that chiropractic does not work

4.3.2. They hear that it will take a long time to get healthy

4.3.3. They hear that there is always a pill that will make them feel better

4.3.4. They hear that they will get the flu without a flu shot

4.3.5. They hear that you only need a chiropractor if you are in pain

4.3.6. They hear about the health insurance crisis

4.3.7. They hear chiropractic is not for children because it is dangerous

4.4. Say & Do

4.4.1. “I will live with my chronic pain.”

4.4.2. “Chiropractic does not work”

4.4.3. “When you start with a chiropractor you will go forever”

4.4.4. “I wish my husband/wife would take better care of themselves”

4.4.5. “I can’t afford a year of care”

4.4.6. “My doctor said that I should stop seeing my chiropractor”

4.5. Pains

4.5.1. They are in pain because they are a victim to their health condition

4.5.2. They worry about the health of their children and their entire family

4.5.3. They worry about their finances

4.5.4. Their job creates enormous pains

4.5.5. They have no time for the things they enjoy

4.5.6. They are not accepted because they chose the wellness lifestyle and did not vaccinate their children

4.6. Gains

4.6.1. They get out of pain

4.6.2. Their children will grow up without the typical medical journey that most parents experience

4.6.3. They will have more energy and a clear frame of mind

4.6.4. They will experience more out of life

4.6.5. They will improve their self esteem

4.6.6. They will avoid lifestyle diseases