Chapter 2 (B) Technology Infrastructure

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Chapter 2 (B) Technology Infrastructure by Mind Map: Chapter 2 (B) Technology Infrastructure

1. Markup Languages

1.1. Tags

1.1.1. Formatting instructions

2. Types of Markup Languages

2.1. SGML-Standard Generalized Markup Language

2.1.1. Independent of software application

2.2. HTML-Hypertext Markup Language

2.2.1. tags Format and style Create relationships-hypertext elements

2.2.2. most commonly used on web today

2.2.3. Linear hyperlink structure eg. pages of a book

2.2.4. Hierarchical hyperlink structure eg. home page...

2.3. XML-Extensible Markup Language

2.3.1. Similar to HTML except for 2 respects not a Markup language w/defined tags tags don't specify text appearance on the web

2.3.2. Data managment that HTML can't

2.3.3. Purpose of file Child elements

2.3.4. ESL-Extensible Stylesheet Language Java

3. Public Networks

3.1. Networks for the public

3.2. eg. the Interent

4. Private Networks

4.1. Private leased line

4.1.1. gives added security

4.2. Connects intranets to one another

4.3. Costly

4.3.1. scaling problem

5. VPN-Virtual Private network

5.1. Extranet

5.1.1. uses public networks

5.2. IP tunneling

5.2.1. more secure

6. Connectivity

6.1. Bandwidth

6.1.1. Symmetric

6.1.2. Asymmetric

6.1.3. Upstream

6.1.4. Downstream

6.2. Broadbands

6.2.1. ADSL

6.2.2. HDSL

6.3. Cable

6.4. Telephone

6.5. Leased line

6.6. Wireless

6.7. Bluetooth and Ultra Wideband

6.7.1. Wirelss Ethernet (Wi-Fi)

6.7.2. Fixed -Point Wireless

6.7.3. Cellular telephone networks


7.1. Internet2

7.2. Semantic Web

8. Client-side scripting

9. Styling sheets

9.1. CSS-Cascading style sheets

10. Intranets

10.1. Intereconnected networks

10.2. low cost way for businesses to distribute internal information

10.3. Protocols

10.3.1. TCP/IP

10.3.2. FTP

10.3.3. Telnet

10.3.4. HTML

10.3.5. HTTP

10.4. Reduce software maintenance

11. Extranets

11.1. connected with suppliers, business partners or authorized users

11.2. eg. Fedex-gave customers software to track own parcels